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  • New solution for stem cell manufacturing

    Source: Science Daily

    Researchers have developed a unique 3D printed system for harvesting stem cells from bioreactors, offering the potential for high quality, wide-scale production of stem cells in Australia at a lower cost.

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  • Using Stem Cells to Cure Arthritis and Cartilage Damage

    Source: Verywell Health

    Stem cells are special cells that have the ability to multiply and develop into different types of tissue. In the developmental stages of a fetus, stem cells are plentiful. However, in adulthood, stem cells are restricted to specific tasks of regenerating a few types of cells, such as blood cells. There are not normally stem cells found in cartilage tissue, and therefore there is little capacity to heal or regrow new cartilage.

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  • Stem cells could repair spinal cord injuries

    Source: Drug Target Review

    Scientists from the Francis Crick Institute, UK and the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Portugal have identified a group of latent stem cells the central nervous system. In their study, which was recently published in Developmental Cell, they tested how these cells respond in healthy mice and those with spinal cord injuries.

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  • Regenerative Medicine: The Body’s Ability to Self-Heal

    Source: Baltimore Magazine

    Whether you’re an athlete, labor worker, or have a history of orthopedic injury, chronic pain can negatively affect your daily activities, disrupt sleep, and even cause depression. The good news is, there’s an innovative procedure using the body’s own healing powers that can provide long-term pain relief when traditional methods no longer work.

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  • Orthobiologics: how regenerative medicine can make a difference in orthopedic surgery

    Source: News Medical Life Sciences

    Regenerative medicine is a new field of medicine in which orthopedic surgeons aim to move away from replacement and toward joint preservation. Using orthobiologics, we can provide your body with the cells, materials, and stimulation it needs to heal without you ever going under the knife.

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  • Stem cell-based therapy for human diseases

    Source: Nature

    Recent advancements in stem cell technology open a new door for patients suffering from diseases and disorders that have yet to be treated. Stem cell-based therapy, including human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), has recently emerged as a key player in regenerative medicine.

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  • Stem Cell Therapy for Ankylosing Spondylitis

    Source: WebMD

    Scientists hope to one day find a cure for AS. Until then, researchers are studying new ways to manage this chronic inflammatory condition. Get the facts about stem cell therapy for ankylosing spondylitis.

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  • American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
  • RYC Orthopedics
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
  • Kerlan Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic
  • NYU Langone Medical Center
  • American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Yale University

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